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A lot of LinkedIn users wonder what is my LinkedIn URL. If you are willing to know all about your URL, continue to read below. URL is the specific web address that’s different for everyone’s profile. With the URL, anyone can visit your LinkedIn profile. This URL can be added to your resume, business interviews, email signature, etc. This URL can also be customised. We have discussed the steps to customize your LinkedIn URL later in this guide.


what is my LinkedIn URL

Source: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/08/22/11/55/linked-in-2668687_960_720.png

Where to find my LinkedIn URL and what is my LinkedIn URL? 

Including a LinkedIn, URL is a professional way of creating a good impression in the minds of the interviewers. Sharing your LinkedIn URL makes it easier for clients and companies to know you better. If you don’t know how to find your LinkedIn URL, it’s simple. You log in to your LinkedIn profile. Now click on the URL box at the top of the screen. That’s your LinkedIn URL.

How do I copy my LinkedIn profile link?

Do you have to share your LinkedIn URL but you don’t know how to do that? If you don’t know how to copy your LinkedIn URL, worry not. Select the web link from that box on top and click on the Copy URL. That’s all. The LinkedIn URL gets copied. You can now paste it in someone’s chat, on your resume, or anywhere required.

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How to find my LinkedIn URL in the app?

Mobile users might face difficulty in finding out the LinkedIn URL by the above-mentioned method. For mobile users, there’s a different way to know the LinkedIn URL. If you are a mobile user, who doesn’t know how to get the LinkedIn URL, you can follow the mentioned steps.

  • Launch the application first.
  • Now, click on the profile option.
  • When your LinkedIn profile opens on the screen, scroll down. There you would notice your profile URL.

How can you change your LinkedIn URL? 

The best thing about LinkedIn URLs is that they can be changed. You can give a suitable web address to your profile. The default web address that LinkedIn provides for every user can also be kept. However, remember to set an alphanumeric URL for your LinkedIn account. Let’s see how you can change your URL as per your choice.

  • Open your LinkedIn profile
  • Once you have opened your LinkedIn account, open your profile.
  • Now, click on the down arrow right next to the profile picture.
  • Next, a drop-down menu appears on the screen. Click on view profile
  • Editing the URL
  • When your profile has opened, click on edit public profile and URL.
  • Customise the URL

When you click on edit your profile and URL, different windows appear. In this window, you can set whatever URL you want to keep.

  • For that, click on edit your custom URL.

Once you have made the necessary changes, save it to be reflected on the web address section. Make sure it’s a combination of numbers and alphabets. This process is also called URL shortening. Shortening your URL is another way of personalizing your LinkedIn profile.

Things to keep in mind while changing your LinkedIn URL

There are a few things that you must remember while customising your LinkedIn URL. We have mentioned some of them below.

  • The LinkedIn URL is unique for every user. Sometimes, the URL you set might not be accepted. That’s because someone has already set that URL address. In that case, you can go with the closest to your name.
  • Though the URL can be a combination of your name and numbers, we advise you to not use numeric. Keep the URL limited to alphabets only.
  • Also, try to keep it as short as possible. Avoid using middle names as well.
what is my LinkedIn URL

Source: https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1513128034602-7814ccaddd4e?ixid=MnwxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8&ixlib=rb-1.2.1&auto=format&fit=crop&w=435&q=80

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That’s all about one’s URL. By now you must have understood what is URL. While changing the URL, you can go with any combination. If it’s unique, it will be accepted. Sometimes LinkedIn doesn’t accept an URL when it becomes the same as someone else’s URL. You have to change it in that case. The URL is an innovative way of telling people what you deal in. For instance, if you have a business account on LinkedIn, and you set the URL to growth marketing, it shows that you offer services related to marketing. So use the URL innovatively and set yourself apart from others on LinkedIn.
