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How Tiktok Affects Mental Health



Tiktok has become one of the most popular social media platforms in 2020, with more than 800 million active monthly users worldwide as of October 2020. It allows users to create short videos and share them with others, making it a great way to express creativity and connect with friends and family around the world. However, there is growing concern about how this platform can affect mental health, as well as what users can do to protect themselves from its potential harms. In this article, we will explore the impact of Tiktok on mental health and provide tips for making the most out of it while safeguarding your wellbeing.

What is TikTok?

Tiktok is a mobile app that allows users to create short-form videos (15 seconds or less) with audio clips, special effects, and other creative tools. Videos can be shared publicly or privately with followers or specific people, allowing users to connect with others who share their interests or passions around the world. It has become one of the most popular social media platforms in 2020, having more than 800 million active monthly users worldwide as of October 2020.

The Impact of TikTok on Mental Health:

The impact of using any social media platform can have both positive and negative effects on mental health depending on how it’s used and by whom.With regards to Tiktok specifically, studies have shown that heavy use may lead to increased anxiety,depression,low self-esteem,fear of missing out (FOMO),cyberbullying,body image issues,sleep deprivation,etc.Additionally, due to its highly addictive nature,many users find themselves spending hours upon hours scrolling through videos instead of engaging in activities that are beneficial for their mental health such as exercising or reading a book.

Positive Effects of TikTok on Mental Health:

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Despite the potential risks associated with using this platform, there are also some positive effects that should not be overlooked.For instance, it can be an effective tool for connecting people who are interested in similar topics or hobbies which may lead to stronger relationships between them.Additionally,creating content can help boost one’s confidence and self-esteem if they receive positive feedback from their peers.Furthermore,watching funny videos or listening to music can be soothing for some individuals which could potentially improve their mood significantly.

Negative Effects Of TikTok On Mental Health:

As mentioned earlier, there are several potential risks associated with using this platform which could negatively affect one’s psychological wellbeing if not managed properly.For instance,comparing oneself to others based off of likes/comments received from posts could lead to feelings of inadequacy or even depression if they don’t measure up.Additionally,receiving negative comments from trolls could cause someone to feel anxious about posting new content in fear of being judged by others.Finally,spending too much time scrolling through videos instead engaging in activities beneficial for mental health such as exercise or reading books could lead to sleep deprivation which could further exacerbate existing psychological issues such as anxiety or depression.

Tips To Make The Most Out Of TikTok And Protect Your Mental Health:

Fortunately there are several steps you can take in order make sure you get the most out your experience while protecting your mental health at the same time :

1) Set Time Limits – Setting limits for yourself when it comes to using this app can help ensure you don’t spend too much time scrolling through videos instead engaging in activities beneficial for your mental health such as exercise or reading books;

2) Take Breaks – Taking breaks throughout your day will allow you time away from screens which will give your eyes a rest;

3) Avoid Comparison – Comparing yourself based off likes/comments you receive from posts could lead feelings inadequacy so try not focus too much attention on these metrics;

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4) Block Negativity – If you come across any negative comments from trolls make sure block them immediately ;

5) Reach Out For Support – If you ever feel overwhelmed reach out friends/family members who understand what you’re going through ; Lastly remember that everyone experiences different emotions when using social media so don’t feel ashamed if yours differ from those around you.


In conclusion, while using social media platforms like Tiktok certainly has its benefits when used responsibly it also carries certain risks that must be addressed head-on. By following our tips above such as setting time limits taking breaks avoiding comparison blocking negativity and reaching out for support when needed hopefully these risks will be minimized allowing us all enjoy this platform without compromising our mental wellbeing.


1. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1112086/monthly-active-users-of-tiktok/#:~:text=As%20of%20October%202020%2C%20TikTok had approximately 846 million MAUs worldwide.-&text=Number%20of%20monthly%20active%20users (MAUs),in%20the%20third%20quarter%202020).
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7371709/#bib21 3 https://www.verywellmind.com/mental-health-risks-associated-with-social-media–4768308#:~:text=Using%20social%20media%3A&text=It’s%20been%20linked%20to%,and % 20feelings % 20of % 20depression &text=It’s % 20also % 20been % 20linked % 20to % 20increased % 20anxiety &text=Social % 20media % 20can % 20also &text=When % 20used % 20inappropriately Get In Touch With Famouz For Social Media Marketing Services!

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What is the negative effects of TikTok?

While TikTok can be fun and helpful for some teens, it can also lead to harmful behavior like dangerous social media challenges, connecting with bullies or predators, and addiction to screens. Parents should learn about TikTok and talk with their kids about responsible use so they don’t get hurt.

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How is social media affecting our mental health?

Approximately 80% of people who use social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter say they find it addictive. These platforms are designed to be addictive in order to stimulate the brain’s reward center, which is associated with activities like sex, food, and social interaction. As of January 2021, this trend is predicted to continue.

Why TikTok is so addictive?

Dr. Nia Williams of Bangor University said that TikTok becomes addictive because it releases dopamine into the brain, making you feel good. This news was published on Sep. 4, 2022.

What are the benefits of deleting TikTok?

If you delete the app, you will still be able to see the TikTok videos you’ve previously watched on other social media platforms. You will have more control over how much time you spend watching them.

Is TikTok harmful or beneficial?

TikTok has been criticized for its data collection practices. The app collects a lot of personal information from its users, including their location, contacts, and message contents. Such wide-ranging collection is concerning on privacy grounds, but it also has security implications.

What do psychologists say about TikTok?

Expert opinions are divided on whether or not transcribing videos of people talking about their experiences of abuse or mental health issues can be harmful. While some people find them helpful, others experience additional trauma after watching them.
