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1. Introduction

Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world with over 330 million active users monthly and 145 million daily active users, making it a great platform for businesses and individuals to grow their online presence and reach potential customers or followers. However, as with any online platform, there are some drawbacks that come along with having a large following such as fake accounts, bots, and spammy followers. In this article, we will discuss why it is important to remove followers on twitter, how to identify fake followers and bots, how to remove them from your account, tips for removing unwanted followers, alternatives to removing followers on twitter, conclusion and resources.


2. Why Remove Followers on Twitter?

Having a large number of followers can be beneficial for businesses or individuals who are trying to build their brand but it can also have some downsides if not managed properly. Having too many fake or spammy accounts following you can hurt your credibility in the eyes of potential customers or other users who may be interested in what you have to offer. Additionally, if left unchecked these accounts can clog up your notifications feed which can make it difficult for you to keep track of interactions with real people who are genuinely interested in what you have to say or promote. Lastly, having too many fake or inactive accounts following you can also affect your ranking in search results as well as put a strain on your website’s bandwidth due to all the extra traffic from these accounts visiting your site multiple times each day without engaging with any content or taking any action that would benefit you in the long run such as signing up for an email list or making a purchase from your store page etc..

3. How To Identify Fake Followers And Bots

The first step towards managing your follower count is being able to identify which accounts are real vs fake/spammy/inactive ones so that you know which ones need to be removed from your account. There are several ways you can do this including manually checking each profile page individually by looking at their bio section and seeing if they have posted any tweets recently (if not then they could potentially be an inactive account) as well as using third-party tools like Followerwonk which allow you to sort through all of your followers quickly by sorting them into categories such as “real” vs “fake” or “inactive” etc.. This makes it easier for you to identify which accounts need further inspection before deciding whether they should be removed from your account or not.

4. How To Remove Followers On Twitter

Once you have identified the accounts that need removal from your follower list there are two main ways that you can do this; manually via twitter itself (which involves going through each profile page individually) or using third-party tools such as Crowdfire which allow you to manage all aspects of your twitter account quickly and easily by providing features such as auto-unfollowing those who don’t follow back within a certain time period (this is especially useful if you want to keep track of those who follow/unfollowed recently). When unfollowing manually via twitter itself simply go into the profile page of the user that needs removal and click on the “Following” button – once clicked it will change into an “Unfollow” button – click again and voila! The user has been removed from your list!

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5. Tips For Removing Unwanted Followers

Before removing any accounts from your follower list make sure that they aren’t actually real people who may potentially become customers/clients down the line – this means that even if they don’t appear active at first glance it doesn’t necessarily mean that they won’t engage with content later so always double check before unfollowing someone just in case! Additionally try not unfollowing more than 20-30 people per day otherwise twitter may flag this activity as suspicious behaviour and temporarily suspend/restrict access until further investigation has been completed – so always take things slow when it comes to managing follower counts!

6. Alternatives To Removing Followers On Twitter

If unfollowing isn’t something that appeals then there are other options available such as blocking certain users (which stops them from viewing/interacting with content posted by yourself), muting certain conversations (which hides posts containing certain keywords) or creating private lists (which allows only approved members access into specific conversations). All three methods provide different levels of control over what kind of content appears on one’s timeline while still allowing one’s own content visibility – therefore giving one more control over their online presence while still maintaining an audience base at the same time!

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, removing unwanted followers on Twitter is important for maintaining credibility among potential customers/clients while also keeping notifications feeds manageable so one can focus on interactions with real people instead of getting bogged down by spammy bots & fake profiles clogging up their timeline & notifications feed respectively – luckily there are several methods available depending upon individual preference & needs ranging from manual removal via Twitter itself all the way up to using third party tools like Crowdfire etc.. So no matter what method suits best everyone should consider taking proactive steps towards managing their follower count so they don’t get overwhelmed & lose out on potential opportunities down the line!

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8. Contact Us

At Famouz we understand how important social media marketing is for businesses today – our team consists of experienced professionals specialising in various areas related social media marketing services ranging from increasing organic reach & engagement rates all the way up building customised strategies tailored specifically towards individual needs & goals – so feel free contact us today & see how we could help take yours business’ social media presence onto next level!

9. Resources

Followerwonk: https://moz.com/followerwonk/
Crowdfire: https://www.crowdfireapp.com/
Twitter Help Center: https://help.twitter


Why can’t I remove my Twitter followers?

The “Remove this follower” feature is only available when you visit Twitter in a web browser on your computer, phone, or tablet- it’s not available in the Twitter mobile app. On August 11, 2022, it will be removed from the app completely.

Can someone tell if you stalk them on Twitter?

Twitter doesn’t disclose how many people have seen your Twitter page or posts, or how they found it. The only way to know for sure is if someone replies, favorites, or retweets your tweets.

How do I remove followers from my profile?

Select the “Followers” tab below Friends. Scroll through and click the profile picture of the user. Click the more option (3 horizontal dots icon). Click “Block” and select the “Confirm” button. On May 3, 2022, the user will no longer be able to follow you.

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How do I delete all followers I don’t follow?

Open the Open Users tab and select all of the Instagram accounts you follow. Click the Not followers button to see a list of users who don’t follow you back. Push the Unfollow users button to mass-unfollow all of those users. That’s all there is to it!

How do I delete all fake followers?

Cleaner for Instagram is an app that can be very helpful in removing unwanted followers (real or fake). It is free to download and is available for both iOS and Android smartphones. Essentially, the app allows users to mass block ghost followers on Instagram – the only way to remove fake followers from your profile.

How do you control who follows you on Twitter?

In the top menu, tap your profile icon. Tap Followers. You’ll see a list of all followers. Tap the checkmark to approve the request, or tap the X to deny it.
