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Twitter is a great way to stay in touch with friends, family, and colleagues, as well as to discover news and trends from around the world. With millions of users tweeting every day, it can be overwhelming trying to keep up with the latest information on your timeline. The key is knowing which accounts are worth following and how to manage them effectively so that you don’t miss out on any important updates or conversations. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of following certain twitter accounts, how to find the right ones for you, what types of accounts should you follow, and how to manage your list of followers efficiently so that you get the most out of your twitter experience.


Benefits of Following Twitter Accounts:
Following specific twitter accounts can have many advantages for both personal and professional use. It can help keep you informed about topics that interest you by providing access to news stories, industry insights, and other relevant content that may not be readily available elsewhere. Additionally, when done correctly it can also help build relationships with influencers in your field or even connect with potential customers or clients who could benefit from your services or products. Finally, it can be an effective way to monitor conversations related to your brand or industry so that you can respond quickly if needed or join in on discussions that could lead to new opportunities for growth and development.

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How To Find The Right Twitter Accounts To Follow:
When looking for accounts worth following there are several different strategies you can use depending on what type of information or connections you are hoping to gain from twitter usage. If you are interested in staying up-to-date on news stories then searching through hashtags related to topics that interest you is a great way to find reputable sources with reliable content such as newspapers or journalists who specialize in those areas; if networking is more important then searching through profiles connected with influential people in your field may be more beneficial since they often have large followings made up of like-minded individuals who could potentially become valuable contacts; finally if marketing is a priority then using tools such as Followerwonk or Buzzsumo can help identify top influencers within particular industries who may have an audience receptive enough for promotional campaigns and collaborations down the line.

What Kinds Of Twitter Accounts Should You Follow?
The type of accounts worth following will depend largely on what type of information or connections one is looking for but generally speaking industry experts and thought leaders should always be at the top of the list along with media outlets covering topics related directly back to one’s own interests/goals; additionally it’s important not just look at numbers when deciding who’s worth following but also take into account quality over quantity since having a few hundred thousand followers doesn’t necessarily mean all their content will be relevant/useful; finally one should also consider diversifying their list by including some non-industry related accounts such as comedians whose tweets provide a much needed break from work related stressors throughout the day!

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How To Manage Your Twitter Account Following List:
Once one has identified which accounts they would like to follow it’s important they learn how best manage them so they don’t become overwhelmed by too much information coming through their timeline each day; one option is setting up lists which allow users organize their follows into categories (e.g., news sources, industry peers etc.) making it easier search through them when looking for specific updates while another tactic involves creating ‘mute words’ which hides tweets containing certain keywords from view without actually unfollowing anyone – this feature comes particularly handy when dealing with controversial topics where users want access only certain points view without being inundated by opposing opinions!

Popular Twitter Accounts To Follow:
There are many popular twitter accounts worth checking out depending on what type information/connections one is after but here are few examples across various industries/topics that might prove useful: @NASA (for science & space exploration), @TEDTalks (for inspiring ideas), @CNN (for breaking news), @BillGates (for philanthropy & technology insights), @MKBHD (for tech reviews & tutorials),@TheEconomist (for economic analysis),@BBCBreaking (for global news coverage),@NYTimes (for US based journalism),@ForbesTech (for tech industry insights).

Following the right twitter accounts can provide an invaluable source of knowledge and connection opportunities regardless if used personally or professionally. By taking advantage of all the tools available such as muting words or creating lists users can ensure they get only relevant updates while still keeping tabs on conversations happening within their field – ultimately allowing them make better decisions about future investments whether its time spent engaging online communities or money spent launching campaigns!

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Contact Us For Social Media Marketing Services:
If you’re interested in learning more about social media marketing services offered by Famouz – A German social media marketing agency based in Nürnberg – please don’t hesitate to contact us today! We offer comprehensive packages tailored specifically towards helping businesses grow their presence online while staying true their core values & mission statements – ultimately allowing them reach larger audiences than ever before!

1) https://blog.hootsuite.com/twitter-accounts-to-follow/ 2) https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/how-to-find-influencers-on-twitter/ 3) https://bloggingwizard.com/twitter-accounts/ 4) https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2018/02/15/how-to-manage-your-twitter 5) https://www.socialmediatoday.com/news/10-of-the-best-brands-on












