1. Introduction

Pinterest is a popular social media platform for users to share images, videos, and other content with each other. Recently, the platform announced that it was getting rid of its “like” feature, which had been used by users to show their appreciation for content posted by others. This article will discuss why Pinterest removed likes from its platform and how this change has impacted both users and businesses who use the site for marketing purposes.


2. What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is an online pinboard-style social media platform where users can share images, videos, and other content with each other in the form of “pins” which are organized into boards based on topics or interests that the user has chosen to follow or post about themselves. It allows users to save ideas they find interesting and explore new ones as well as connect with like-minded individuals in their network.

3. Why Did Pinterest Get Rid Of Likes?

The main reason why Pinterest decided to remove likes from its platform was due to feedback from its users who felt that it was becoming too focused on popularity and not enough on quality content sharing between users. They wanted a more meaningful way for users to engage with each other without having to rely solely on likes as a measure of success or engagement level with posts shared by others in their network. Additionally, it was seen as a way for them to reduce spammy behavior that some people were engaging in in order to artificially inflate their numbers and make their posts appear more popular than they actually were.

4. The Impact of the Change on Users

For many users who had grown accustomed to using likes as a way of showing appreciation for content shared by others, this change was initially met with some confusion and frustration as they had become accustomed to relying on likes as a form of validation for their posts or ideas shared within their network. Additionally, some felt that without this feature they would be less likely to engage with posts made by others due to not having an easy way of expressing approval or support without having an actual comment associated with it which could take more time than simply clicking the like button under someone’s post.. However, over time many have come around and now appreciate the fact that this change has encouraged them to focus more on providing meaningful comments instead of just quickly liking something before moving onto the next post in their feed..

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5. The Impact of the Change on Businesses

For businesses who use Pinterest as part of their marketing strategy, this change has been viewed both positively and negatively depending upon how they were using likes before hand. On one hand it can be seen as beneficial since businesses no longer have access to an easy metric such as likes when measuring engagement levels with their posts but instead must now focus more heavily upon comments made by potential customers/clients when determining whether or not something resonated well within their target audience.. On the other hand however there are those who feel that without being able to rely upon likes they may not be able get an accurate picture when measuring success levels since comments require much more effort from those viewing them than simply clicking a button under someone’s post..

6. Benefits Of Removing Likes:

Despite initial confusion and frustration among some users regarding this change, there are several benefits associated with removing likes from Pinterest including: encouraging meaningful conversations between members; reducing spammy behavior; eliminating competition between members; allowing members greater control over what type of content appears in their feeds; and increasing overall engagement levels across all types of posts regardless if they have been liked or not.. All these benefits ultimately lead towards creating a better experience for all members involved while also making sure that only quality content is being shared throughout the platform at all times..

7. How To Measure Engagement Without Likes?:

Now that likes have been removed from Pinterest it can be difficult for businesses trying measure engagement levels without access easy metrics such as likes but there are still several ways in which you can do so including tracking how often your pins are being repinned; monitoring user interactions such as commenting; tracking website visits resulting from your pins; keeping track of followers gained/lost over time; analyzing click through rates (CTR) associated with your pins; looking at average view duration metrics associated with your pins; monitoring conversation rates (CR) associated with your pins; comparing performance metrics between different campaigns you have run on Pinterest etc… All these metrics combined should give you an accurate picture when determining how successful you are at engaging your target audience through your pins even though you no longer have access to easy metrics such as “likes” anymore..

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8 Final Thoughts On Pinterest Removing Likes:

Ultimately while removing “likes” may seem like a drastic move at first glance it does appear that overall it should help improve user experience when using the platform while also helping encourage more meaningful conversations between members instead of just relying solely upon quick clicks under someone’s post when showing approval or support.. Additionally it should also help reduce spammy behavior while also allowing businesses greater control over what type of content appears within user feeds thus leading towards better results overall when measuring engagement levels through comments versus quick clicks under someone’s post..

9 Conclusion – Contact Us For Social Media Marketing Services:

In conclusion removing “likes” from Pinterest appears overall positive move which should help improve user experience while also encouraging meaningful conversations between members instead just relying solely upon clicks under someone’s post when showing approval or support… If you need help managing any aspect related social media marketing then please don’t hesitate contact Famouz today! Our team is ready provide you advice tailored fit needs so reach out us see what we can do help increase visibility boost engagement levels across all platforms!.

