1. Introduction

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 1 billion active users. Unfortunately, Instagram accounts can sometimes be disabled or deleted due to violations of the platform’s terms of service or community guidelines, posting inappropriate content, or engaging in suspicious activity such as buying followers. In this article, we will discuss how to get your account back on Instagram if it has been disabled or deleted. We will cover reasons why an account may be disabled or deleted, how to recover a disabled or deleted account, what to do if you can’t recover your account, and tips for keeping your Instagram account safe and secure.


2. Reasons why your account may be disabled or deleted

There are several reasons why an Instagram account may be disabled or deleted. The most common reason is that the user has violated one of the platform’s terms of service or community guidelines. This could include anything from posting inappropriate content to engaging in suspicious activity such as buying followers. Additionally, if a user posts spammy content or engages in other malicious activities such as hacking attempts, their account may also be removed from the platform.

3. How to recover a Disabled Account

If your Instagram account has been temporarily disabled by mistake, you can submit an appeal through the help center in order to have it reinstated. To do this, go to the help center and select “My Account is Disabled” under “I Can’t Log In” section on the left side of the page. On the next page, enter all required information (e.g., full name and email address associated with the account) and follow instructions provided by Instagram in order to submit your appeal successfully.

4. How to Recover a Deleted Account

Recovering a deleted Instagram account is more difficult than recovering a disabled one since there is no way to submit an appeal through the help center for accounts that have been permanently removed from the platform. However, you can still contact Instagram directly in order to try and recover your account by using their “Report Something” form located at https://help.instagram.com/contact/175828864984290?helpref=faq_content.When submitting this form make sure that you provide as much information about your lost profile as possible (e.g., username and email address associated with it).

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5 What To Do If You Can’t Recover Your Account

If you are unable to recover your lost profile after trying all available options (e.g., submitting an appeal through the help center), then there isn’t much else that you can do except create a new profile with a different username and start over again from scratch; however keep in mind that creating multiple accounts against Instagram’s terms of service could result in all of them being permanently removed from the platform so make sure that you abide by all rules when setting up new profiles on this platform!

6 Tips for Keeping Your Instagram Account Safe and Secure

In order to keep your Instagram accounts safe from hacking attempts and other malicious activities, make sure that you use strong passwords for each profile (at least 8 characters long containing numbers & special characters) and enable two-factor authentication whenever possible (this adds an extra layer of security). Additionally, review your privacy settings regularly in order to ensure that only approved followers have access to your content and personal information – this will help protect against unauthorized access by hackers or other malicious actors!

7 Conclusion

In conclusion, understanding how to get one’s account back on Instagram is important in case it gets disabled or deleted due not following its terms of service properly or due malicious activities like hacking attempts etc.. It is also important for users who want their accounts remain safe and secure by following best practices such as using strong passwords & two-factor authentication and reviewing their privacy settings regularly etc.. If users need help managing their presence across various platforms including Instagram they should contact Famouz for social media marketing services..

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How long does Instagram disables your account?

Instagram is very strict about reactivating accounts. Before reactivating an account, you must consider the possible consequences, such as having your account disabled for seven days.

How can I get my Instagram back after being disabled?

To recover a disabled Instagram account, you will need to submit an appeal directly to Instagram. If your account was hacked, you can try to regain access by having a code sent to your phone, or you can report the hack to Instagram and request assistance recovering your account.

Why did Instagram delete my account?

Instagram automatically removes any inactive account after two years. This means two years without posting, liking anything, or commenting.

How do I contact Instagram for help?

You can contact Instagram support by phone at 1-650-543-4800 or online through Instagram’s Help Center. You can also email Instagram at [email protected], but that address is now defunct. You can also contact Instagram to report issues, such as a copyright violation or a hacked account.

How do I talk to Instagram support?

To report a problem, go to your profile by tapping or your profile picture in the bottom right corner, then tap Settings. Tap Help, then tap Report a Problem.

What happens if Instagram suspends your account?

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If your Instagram account is suspended, you will be unable to share anything on your page. This could mean losing your influence, followers, and audience.
