1. Introduction

It’s no secret that social media has become an integral part of modern-day marketing, and Instagram is one of the most popular platforms for businesses to reach their target audience and build relationships with customers and potential customers alike. One way to maximize your reach on this platform is by using public reshares, which are posts shared by other users who have seen your content and liked it enough to share it with their followers as well. In this article, we’ll take a look at how you can see current public reshares on Instagram, so you can get an idea of how many people are seeing your content and engaging with it in real time!


2. What is a Reshare on Instagram?

A reshare on Instagram is simply when another user shares your post with their own followers, giving you more exposure than just from your own followers alone. This is especially useful if you’re looking to increase brand awareness or attract new customers, as it gives you access to an entirely new audience who may not have seen your original post otherwise! You can also use public reshares as an opportunity to connect with influencers in your industry or niche who could potentially help promote your business further by sharing your content even more widely.

3. How to See Public Reshares on Instagram

The easiest way to see public reshares on Instagram is by using Insights, which are available through the app’s analytics feature (available only if you have a business account). Once you’ve enabled Insights, simply go into any post that has been publicly reshared and select “View Insights” from the dropdown menu at the bottom right corner of the post itself – this will show you all of the users who have reshared that particular post! You can also use third-party tools such as Iconosquare or Simply Measured to track public reshares over time, giving you insight into how much engagement each post receives from other users.

4. Find the Original Post

If someone has publicly reshared one of your posts but you don’t know where they found it originally, you can always search for it manually by typing its hashtag into the search bar on Instagram – this will bring up all posts tagged with that hashtag regardless of where they were posted originally! This can be helpful if someone has made changes or added additional captions or comments when they reshared it – make sure to double check before reposting anything yourself!

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5. Analyze the Performance of the Post

Once you’ve identified which posts have been publicly reshared, take some time to analyze their performance – this will give you valuable insights into what kind of content resonates best with different audiences so that you can create even better content in future! Look at things like likes, comments, shares and views for each post – these metrics will tell you whether people are actually engaging with your content or just scrolling past without taking any action. This information can be invaluable when it comes to creating effective campaigns in future!

6. Follow Up With the Person Who Shared It

If someone took the time out of their day to share one of your posts publicly, then why not thank them for doing so? A simple “thank you” message sent via direct message (DM) or email can go a long way towards fostering relationships between yourself and other social media users – plus it’s always nice when someone takes notice of what we do online! You could even offer them something special as a token of appreciation such as discounts or free products/services – whatever works best for both parties involved!

7. Reach Out To Influencers Who Have Shared It

Influencers are people who have large followings online (usually in excess of 10K) and often times they’ll be willing to share posts from brands they already know about or trust – so if someone influential has recently shared one of yours then why not reach out? Contact them directly via DM or email and let them know how much their support means; offer them incentives such as free products/services/discounts if they continue sharing your content regularly; ask them questions about what kind of content resonates best with their followers; collaborate with them on projects that would benefit both parties; offer exclusive discounts for those who share certain posts; thank them publicly for helping spread awareness about your brand; etc… There are plenty of ways that influencers can help boost engagement levels around certain pieces of content so make sure to take full advantage if possible!

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8. Conclusion

Public reshares on Instagram are a great way to increase brand awareness and attract new customers – but only if done correctly! By making use Insights feature (available only if you have a business account), third-party tools such as Iconosquare or Simply Measured, searching hashtags manually and analyzing performance metrics such as likes, comments & shares; plus following up & reaching out influencers who have shared certain pieces of content – all these steps combined should help ensure maximum visibility & engagement around each piece published online!

9. Get in Touch With Famouz For Social Media Marketing Services

At Famouz we understand how important social media marketing is for businesses today – that’s why our team specializes in helping brands create effective campaigns across multiple platforms including Facebook & Instagram. We’ll work closely with our clients every step along the way – from strategizing & executing campaigns through analyzing performance results – ensuring maximum ROI & success every time! So don’t hesitate – get in touch today & let us help take care all aspects related social media marketing needs!.













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