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Engagement rate is an important metric used by brands, influencers, and marketers alike when it comes to measuring the success of their campaigns on social media platforms like Instagram. Knowing what a good engagement rate is can help you better understand how your content is performing and how you can improve it to get more attention from your followers and potential customers. In this article, we will take a look at what constitutes a good engagement rate for Instagram influencers, as well as some tips and tools you can use to measure your own engagement rate and improve it over time.


What is Engagement Rate?

Engagement rate (ER) is the ratio of interactions or engagements that occur between an account’s posts and its followers over a given period of time. It measures the amount of likes, comments, shares, views, retweets, etc., that are received by each post relative to the total number of followers the account has at any given moment in time. It’s important to note that ER differs from reach which measures only how many people have seen a post but not necessarily interacted with it in any way.

The Average Engagement Rate for Instagram Influencers

According to research conducted by Hootsuite in 2019, the average engagement rate for influencers on Instagram was 4%. This means that for every 100 followers an account has, 4 of them will engage with their posts in some way like liking or commenting on them. This number varies greatly depending on factors such as niche or industry type as well as follower count but generally speaking 4% is considered “good” when compared to other social media platforms like Twitter where the average engagement rate ranges from 0-1%.

Factors That Affect Engage Rates

There are several factors that can influence an account’s engagement rates such as:

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• Quality of Content: Posts with high quality visuals and captions tend to be more engaging than those without them;

• Posting Frequency: Consistently posting content helps keep users engaged;

• Timing: Posting during peak times when there are more active users online increases chances of getting higher engagements;

• Hashtags & Tags: Using relevant hashtags and tagging other accounts related to your post helps increase visibility;

• Followers Quality: Having more engaged followers who actually interact with your content will result in higher ERs;

How To Increase Your Engagement Rate On Instagram?

Once you’ve identified what affects your ERs you can start taking steps towards improving them such as creating high quality content tailored specifically for your target audience; posting consistently (but not too often); using relevant hashtags & tags; reposting user generated content; responding quickly & engagingly to comments & mentions; running giveaways & contests; etc.. All these strategies should help boost your engagement rates over time if done correctly!

Tools To Measure Your Engagement Rate On Instagram

There are several tools out there that allow you track & measure your engagement rates such as Iconosquare which provides detailed analytics about each post including impressions, reach & ERs; Later which allows you schedule posts ahead of time while also providing insights into performance metrics like ERs; Sprout Social which gives overviews into all aspects of social media performance including ERs etc.. These tools should help you gain valuable insights into how effective your campaigns are doing so you can make necessary adjustments going forward!

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In conclusion, knowing what constitutes a good engagement rate for instagram influencers is key if you want to maximize the success of your campaigns on this platform. By understanding what influences ERs and making use of various tools available online, you should be able to track & measure yours accurately while also making necessary changes along the way so they remain consistent & effective over time! For further assistance regarding social media marketing services please do not hesitate to contact us at Famouz today!












