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1. Introduction

Are you wondering if LinkedIn has stopped birthday notifications and why this happened? This article will answer these questions and provide some tips on how to make the most of your networking opportunities on LinkedIn without the help of birthday notifications.


2. What is LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a professional social network where users can connect with other professionals, find job opportunities, and build their professional networks. It is used by millions of people around the world who are looking to build their careers or grow their businesses through networking opportunities online. With its unique features such as “People You May Know” which suggests contacts based on mutual connections or interests, “Groups” which allows users to join conversations related to their industry or interests, and the ability to follow companies or influencers in their field, LinkedIn provides an invaluable platform for connecting with potential employers, partners, clients, and collaborators.

3. What are Birthday Notifications?

Birthday notifications were a feature on LinkedIn that would alert users when someone in their network had a birthday, giving them an opportunity to send them a message or wish them a happy birthday. This was meant to be an easy way for users to stay connected with their network and stay up-to-date with birthdays of contacts they may not have seen in a while or may not even know very well.

4. Why Did LinkedIn Stop Birthday Notifications?

LinkedIn recently removed the birthday notification feature from its platform due to privacy concerns and user feedback about unwanted messages from strangers wishing them happy birthdays. Users were receiving too many messages from people they did not know and felt uncomfortable about it, leading to many complaints about the feature being intrusive and unnecessary for networking purposes. The company recognized that this feature was no longer necessary for helping users stay connected with their network as there are now other ways of doing so without relying on this feature anymore such as using People You May Know suggestions, joining Groups conversations related one’s industry/interests and following companies/influencers in one’s field of work etc..

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5. Are There Alternatives to Birthday Notifications?

Yes, there are still ways for you to stay connected with your network without relying on birthday notifications from LinkedIn. You can use other features such as “People You May Know” which suggests contacts based on mutual connections or interests, or “Groups” which allows you to join conversations related to your industry or interests. You can also follow companies or influencers in your field so that you can stay up-to-date with news related to your profession or industry without having to rely on birthday notifications from LinkedIn anymore!

6. How To Make The Most Of Your Networking Opportunities On Linkedin?

When it comes to making the most out of your networking opportunities on Linkedin, there are several things you can do: create meaningful connections by engaging in conversations; share relevant content related to your field; join groups related to your profession/industry/interests; follow companies/influencers in your field; use hashtags when posting content; use keywords when searching for potential contacts; use advanced search filters such as location/industry etc.; take advantage of Linkedin’s analytics tools such as Insights etc.. All these activities will help you expand your network and keep up-to-date with news related to your profession without having to rely on birthday notifications from Linkedin anymore!

7 Conclusion

In conclusion, we have discussed why Linkedin has stopped providing its users with birthday notifications due privacy concerns and user feedback about unwanted messages from strangers wishing them happy birthdays. We have also looked at alternatives for staying connected with one’s network without having access this feature anymore such as using People You May Know suggestions, joining Groups conversations related one’s industry/interests and following companies/influencers in one’s field of work etc.. Finally we have provided some tips on how one could make the most out of his/her networking opportunities on Linkedin without relying solely on this feature anymore!

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8 Final Thoughts

It is important for users of all social media platforms including Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook etc., understand why certain features may be removed due privacy concerns or user feedback as well as learn how best utilize other features available so that they can continue connecting with their networks effectively despite any changes made by the platform itself!

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Has LinkedIn stopped showing birthdays?

Starting from November 7, 2022, only you will be able to see your birthday on your LinkedIn profile. You can choose “Only you” or “Your connections”, which will only show your LinkedIn connections who are listed as “Only you” on your profile.

Does LinkedIn tell you someone’s birthday?

You can find someone’s birthday by going to their LinkedIn profile and clicking on their contact information. On June 12, 2022, they will be 78 years old.

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Why do I no longer get Facebook birthday notifications?

To receive Facebook notifications, turn on the toggle for Allow notifications on Facebook. Beneath that, turn on the toggle(s) for how you wish to receive the notifications. You can choose Push, Email, SMS, or all three. Next, turn on the toggle(s) for Upcoming Birthdays, Belated Birthdays, or both. Dec 19, 2022.

What happened to birthday notices on Facebook?

Facebook removed the Newsfeed link from their website. It is still accessible through the steps below for the device you use to access Facebook.

Is it OK to wish happy birthday on LinkedIn?

If you are celebrating a birthday in the near future, you can send a “Branded Happy Birthday” message to your connections. It is optional to list your birthday on LinkedIn, but if you do, it is a chance for a human to human touch point! On January 2, 2020

How to find someone birthday by email?

If you want to know the birthday of a person and know their Gmail address, you can add them to your contacts automatically. If you are closer to them and have a good relationship with them, you can send them a “how about” email and it will be added to your contacts automatically.
