Pinterest is an online platform that has become a popular destination for millions of users around the world, since its launch in 2010. It is a virtual pinboard where users can share images, ideas, tips and more with others who share similar interests as them. The platform has grown significantly over the years and continues to be a powerful tool for businesses to market their products and services, as well as individuals to connect with each other on topics they are passionate about or find inspiring content from others in their network. In this article, we will explore the history behind this popular social media platform, how it works and its current reach and popularity among users worldwide.


History of Pinterest
The concept for Pinterest was first developed by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra and Evan Sharp in 2010 when they were looking to create an online platform that would allow users to collect images from around the web and organize them into virtual pinboards or collections based on topics they found interesting or inspiring. They wanted to create a visually appealing way for people to share content they found interesting while also providing a useful tool for businesses to market their products through visual imagery. After months of development and testing, the trio officially launched Pinterest in March 2010 as an invite-only private beta version before opening up registration publicly later that year in August 2010.

Founders of Pinterest
The three co-founders behind this popular social media platform are Ben Silbermann (CEO), Paul Sciarra (COO) and Evan Sharp (CTO). All three have had impressive careers prior to launching Pinterest; Ben Silbermann worked at Google before founding his own company called Cold Brew Labs; Paul Sciarra was the founder of Auctomatic which was acquired by Live Current Media; Evan Sharp was part of the design team at Facebook prior to joining forces with his two friends on their new project –Pinterest.

Early Growth and Development of Pinterest
In its early days after launch, growth was slow but steady as users began sharing images from around the web onto their pinboards and following others within their network who shared similar interests as them. As word spread about this new social media platform, more people began signing up every day until eventually it became one of the fastest growing websites ever seen on the internet within just two years after launch! To keep up with demand, the team continued developing new features such as ‘boards’ which allowed users to organize their pins into categories based on topic or interest; ‘likes’ which enabled users to show appreciation towards pins they liked without having to comment; ‘re-pins’ which allowed users to share content from other members within their network; ‘tags’ which made it easier for people searching specific topics or interests find relevant pins quickly; ‘following’ which let you follow other members within your network whose boards you found interesting or inspiring; plus many more features that have been added over time since then!

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How To Use Pinterest
Using Pinterest is pretty straightforward once you understand how it works: firstly sign up by creating an account using your email address or connecting via your existing Facebook/Twitter account if you already have one set up – then start exploring! You can search specific topics or interests using keywords in order search engine bar at top right corner then click any image result that catches your eye – this will take you directly onto that user’s board where you can view all related pins associated with that topic/interest including any comments left by other members who have visited before you! If you like what you see then why not follow them so that future pins posted by them appear automatically in your own feed? You can also like individual pins if something catches your eye without leaving a comment – perfect if you don’t have time but still want to show some appreciation! Finally if there’s something really special that someone else has posted then why not re-pin it onto one of your own boards so others can discover it too?

Popularity & Reach Of Pintrest
Since its launch back in 2010, usage rates continue rising steadily each year due largely thanks to its easy-to-use interface combined with visually appealing design elements – making it easier than ever before for people all over the world connect with each other through images they find inspiring or simply enjoy looking at. According to Statista figures released in 2020, there are currently over 416 million monthly active users on Pinterest worldwide – making it one of the most popular social media platforms out there today! This impressive growth rate shows no signs of slowing down either as more businesses start taking advantage of its potential for marketing purposes while individuals continue discovering new ways make use this powerful tool everyday.

Benefits Of Using Pintrest For Businesses
With such an impressive reach among internet users worldwide plus easy access tools available for businesses make use this powerful marketing tool effectively – there is no doubt why so many companies turn towards Pinterest when looking promote their products services online! Not only does business benefit from increased exposure amongst potential customers but also valuable insights into customer behaviour patterns thanks data generated through analytics tools available within dashboard area once registered account. This allows marketers target specific audiences based on demographics such gender/age etc., track performance campaigns measure effectiveness different strategies being used help optimise results even further! Additionally recent developments such promoted pins sponsored ads now allow companies pay advertise directly platform itself giving even greater control over campaigns being run reach desired goals faster than ever before!

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Future Outlook For Pintrest
As usage rates continue rise across world so does potential opportunities businesses take advantage powerful marketing tools available through platform reach out even larger audience base generate higher ROI campaigns being run. With plans underway develop even more features including shoppable posts buyable pins direct links stores product pages – there no doubt future looks bright both marketers individuals alike when comes utilising full power potential offered by amazing social media channel like Pinterest!

Conclusion: Get In Touch With Famouz For Social Media Marketing Services
All things considered, it’s clear why so many people love using Pinterest – whether it’s for personal use or business purposes – due largely thanks its easy-to-use interface combined visually appealing design elements making simpler than ever before connect people all over world through images find inspiring simply enjoy looking at! However getting most out amazing marketing opportunities offered by platform requires knowledge expertise know exactly how use correctly get maximum results campaigns being run – something Famouz specialise helping clients achieve success online through our range professional social media marketing services designed deliver guaranteed results every time contact us today see what we can do help grow business next level!

When was Pinterest created and why?

Pinterest was founded by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra, and Evan Sharp in 2009. The site only allowed a small group of people to use it at first, but on August 10th, 2012 it was made available to the public.

Why was Pinterest originally created?

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Pinterest is a “visual discovery tool” that was initially created for people to share ideas and inspiration for various interests and projects. Pinterest was founded by Ben Silbermann (a former Google employee), Evan Sharp, and Paul Sciarra, and it became available to the public in March 2010 as a closed beta.

Who started Pinterest and why?

After leaving his job as a product manager at Facebook in order to start Pinterest, Ben Silbermann had trouble getting people to take him seriously. It was not until three months after the site launched that it had 3,000 registered accounts. Now Pinterest is the third-largest source of referral traffic on the Web.

Which gender uses Pinterest?

As of January 2022, women represented 76.7% of Pinterest users. However, this percentage is changing rapidly – by May 31, 2022, women will account for 81.9% of all Pinterest users.

Is Pinterest mostly female?

As of January 2023, 76.2% of Pinterest audiences were female, while just over 17% were male.

Is Pinterest still relevant 2023?

Pinterest is the 14th largest platform in the world as of January 2023. It is bigger than Twitter, Reddit, and Quora, but smaller than Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat.
