same time. If you’re looking to create an engaging twitter thread, make sure to keep things short and sweet, utilize visuals if possible, include relevant hashtags, ask questions throughout and end with a call-to-action. For more information on social media marketing services such as creating effective twitter threads, please get in contact with Famouz today!


How many Tweets make a thread?

Twitter threads are a great way to tell a story with a limited amount of characters. You can post as many tweets as you like in a thread, and Twitter will only stop you once you’ve posted 20 consecutive tweets.

Can you create a Twitter thread in a reply?

To create a Twitter thread, you should first tweet, then reply to it the same way you would reply to a tweet written by someone else. After the second tweet is published, reply to it with a third tweet and continue until your thread is finished.

How long is too long for a Twitter thread?

Thread length is unlimited, and as long as your followers are engaged and reacting to your content, you can keep them updated for as long as you like.

Is replying to a Tweet the same as a thread?

Twitter is making threads easier to create, easier to find, and easier to read. This change will happen on December 12th.

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Why can’t I post a thread on Twitter?

When you can’t send tweets, it may be because you’re using an old browser or app. If you’re having trouble Tweeting on the web, make sure you’re using the latest version of your browser. If you can’t Tweet using an official Twitter app, make sure you’ve downloaded any available updates.

Did Twitter get rid of threads?

Twitter has been experimenting with threaded replies for some time now, but they have decided to discontinue them because of user feedback. Twitter announced this on Thursday, Dec. 3rd.
