In this article, we will discuss how to change your LinkedIn banner, the benefits of doing so, tips for creating a professional looking banner, what not to include in your banner, best practices for optimizing your profile picture and banner image, frequently asked questions (FAQs), and contact us for social media marketing services.


Changing your LinkedIn banner can be beneficial for both personal and professional reasons. It allows you to stand out from the competition and make a good first impression with potential employers or clients. It also allows you to showcase your skills or accomplishments by displaying relevant images or quotes that are related to your profession or industry. Additionally, it can help you build credibility and trust with other professionals in the same field as you by showing that you are knowledgeable about the topics you are discussing on the platform.

How to Change Your LinkedIn Banner:
Changing your LinkedIn banner is easy! First, log into your account on the website and click on “Edit Profile” at the top right corner of the page. Then scroll down until you see “Banner Image” section and click “Change” button next to it. Select an image from your computer or upload one from online sources such as Unsplash or Pixabay if desired. Once selected click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the page and voila! You have now successfully changed your linkedin banner!

Tips for Creating a Professional Looking LinkedIn Banner:
When creating a professional looking linkedin banner, it is important to keep in mind that less is more when it comes to design elements such as text or graphics; use only what is necessary and avoid clutter as much as possible. Additionally, consider using colors that match those used on other parts of your profile such as background color or profile picture color scheme; this will create a cohesive look across all elements of your profile page which will be more visually appealing than having mismatched colors throughout different sections of it. Finally, make sure that all text used in the image is legible; use large enough font size so that viewers don’t have to squint their eyes trying to read what is written on it!

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What Not To Include In Your Linkedin Banner:
When creating a linkedin banner there are certain things that should be avoided at all costs; these include personal information such as phone numbers or addresses as well as offensive language or imagery which could potentially harm someone’s reputation if seen by employers or clients who view their profile page regularly. Additionally, avoid using overly promotional language such as sales pitches which could come off as unprofessional; instead focus on showcasing relevant images related to topics discussed in other sections of their profile page such as work experience or education background which will demonstrate their knowledge in those areas without coming off too pushy with promotions!

Best Practices For Optimizing Your Linkedin Profile Picture And Banner Image:
When optimizing both elements of one’s linkedin profile page -profile picture & banner image- there are certain best practices that should be followed in order ensure maximum impact when viewers visit one’s page; these include making sure images are high quality (at least 1000 pixels wide) so they appear crisp & clear when viewed on any device type (desktop/laptop/tablet/mobile), ensuring any text used within them is legible (use large enough font size), & selecting images related specifically to topics discussed within one’s profile page (work experience/education background etc). Additionally, consider using consistent color schemes across both elements so they appear cohesive & complimentary when viewed together rather than clashing against each other due to mismatched hues!

Finally, once these best practices have been followed users should consider utilizing social media marketing services provided by professionals like Famouz who specialize in helping businesses grow through effective digital marketing strategies tailored specifically towards their needs & goals. This could include anything from content creation & curation for better engagement rates across platforms like Twitter & Instagram all way up through website design & optimization services needed for successful lead generation campaigns over time!

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In conclusion, changing one’s linkedin banner can be beneficial for both personal & professional reasons; it allows users to stand out from competition & make good first impressions with potential employers/clients while also helping them build credibility & trust within same field by showcasing relevant images related specifically to topics discussed within profile page itself (work experience/education background etc). Additionally, following best practices outlined above when optimizing both elements -profile picture & banner image- can help maximize impact when viewers visit user’s page; this includes making sure images are high quality with legible text & selecting images related specifically to topics discussed within one’s profile page itself (work experience/education background etc). Finally, consider utilizing social media marketing services provided by professionals like Famouz who specialize in helping businesses grow through effective digital marketing strategies tailored specifically towards their needs & goals.

Q1: How do I change my LinkedIn Banner?
A1: Log into your account on the website and click on “Edit Profile” at the top right corner of the page. Then scroll down until you see “Banner Image” section and click “Change” button next to it. Select an image from your computer or upload one from online sources such as Unsplash or Pixabay if desired. Once selected click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the page and voila! You have now successfully changed your linkedin banner!

Q2: What should I avoid including in my LinkedIn Banner?
A2: Avoid including personal information such as phone numbers or addresses as well offensive language or imagery which could potentially harm someone’s reputation if seen by employers or clients who view their profile regularly. Additionally avoid using overly promotional language such as sales pitches which could come off unprofessional instead focus on showcasing relevant images related specifically topics discussed within other sections of their profile page itself (work experience/education background etc).

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Q3: What are some best practices for optimizing my LinkedIn Profile Picture and Banner Image?
A3: When optimizing both elements of one’s linkedin profile page -profile picture & banner image- there are certain best practices that should be followed in order ensure maximum impact when viewers visit one’s page; these include making sure images are high quality (at least 1000 pixels wide) so they appear crisp & clear when viewed on any device type (desktop/laptop/tablet/mobile), ensuring any text used within them is legible (use large enough font size),& selecting images related specifically topics discussed within one’s profile page itself (work experience/education background etc). Additionally consider using consistent color schemes across both elements so they appear cohesive & complimentary when viewed together rather than clashing against each other due mismatched hues!

Contact Us For Social Media Marketing Services :
If you’re looking for help with managing social media accounts like Twitter Instagram Facebook YouTube etc then contact Famouz today for comprehensive digital marketing solutions tailored specifically towards individual business needs goals Our team consists experienced professionals who specialize developing customized campaigns increase engagement rates generate leads over time So don’t hesitate reach out us today get started growing business online faster than ever before
